We spent last night at the local Walmart. There's an area where I often see the 2 or 3 other fulltime low key nomads. We're all quiet, leave no trash, make no fuss, and quietly leave.
During the Walmart el Paso shooting, I was approached by police and asked if I'd seen any unusual vehicles and to call them if I had. It pays to be quiet and respectful of property. The police do notice.
Today was
-Move van over in a parking lot by McDonald's for potty and wifi.
- move van to nearby park, take out the small bag of trash, and empty the potty in the bathroom's toilet.
- breakfast. Sometimes I just like opening a can and eating right from the can.
We saw 3 homeless with a cart and a pit bull. Kira donated breakfast for the pup. Dog food and some small milkbone treats.
Today is a lazy no cooking day. I'll open a can and eat when hungry.
A friend called and said he'd bring me a 2 liter cola and some peanuts in the shell for Kira. She adores a shelled peanut as a treat.
A little cleaning, a nap, some video streaming, and a little social media is the extent of my ambitions today
Good coffee to you
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