When you say vandwelling, most people get really crazy ideas about your lifestyle.
I have MS. Living in a van makes me self sufficient and I'm able to do everything I need to do to take care of myself.
I generally travel at the pace of an arthritic turtle. Rarely do I do long trips. I meander here and there. Sometimes I'll actually visit what most consider a tourist attraction.
Usually I prefer to boondock on public lands such as national forest or BLM land. I've stayed in New Mexico state parks, both with and without hookups.
I have an older Chevy Mark III conversion van. A conversion van has a rear seat that makes into a bed..a camper van has a stove, sink, and a bed. Cargo vans are usually empty inside and have no insulation.
I use an Ozark Trails two burner propane stove for cooking. I also own a Coleman dual fuel 2 burner stove. That uses either Coleman fuel or unleaded gasoline.
Yes, I have a potty in the van. I can recommend a lugable loo toilet.
I have pretty much the same things you'd have in a tiny studio apartment.
Having an apt quickly wore me out. It was too much keeping up with cleaning. Smaller space means better organization and less cleaning.
My Chihuahua Mona also prefers a van to an apt. She can see all around her, enjoys traveling, and right now she's gone back to the bedroom to take a nap.
The lower stress life makes it easier to manage my MS resulting in lower medical costs. Yes I have Medicare but that doesn't mean I need to spend lots of times at the doctor or hospital. Actually the Dr at the last emergency room visit was pleased to know that I planned to go out to my van and go to bed. He released me rather than keep me in the ER for observation. We simply informed security I'd be spending the night in my van. Security walked me out and helped me in the door. I locked the van and went to bed.
I'm the girl who when I leave the spot I was parked in is absolutely clear.
I have a blog devoted to teaching those new to the van life how to be respectful responsible travelers.
I absolutely respect other's property rights. I own land myself. Yes, I'm low income. I get a minimum social security disability check. My vehicle is always legal, plated, registered, insured. I pay pretty much all my bills online or through automatic deduction.
So the next time you see someone sleeping in their vehicle, not all of us are homeless, drink, or do drugs. I rarely drink and don't even like taking aspirin.
I love watching videos, reading books (both paperback and on my kindle). I make and sell jewelry. I enjoy watching nature.
I'm not homeless, I'm houseless by choice.